The Benefits of Service Dogs

According to the Americans With Disabilities Act, the term “service animal” refers to individually trained dogs that work and perform tasks for persons with physical or mental disabilities. Specialized training sets them apart from emotional support animals; they aren't considered pets but workers. In addition, service dogs require a thriving, healthy environment to perform their duties effectively. Here’s some more helpful information on the benefits of owning a service dog, courtesy of BarkleyAndPaws.

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Cataracts in Dogs' Eyes: Comprehensive Guide to Canine Eye Health

The companionship between humans and their four-legged friends has existed for eons. These furry companions are not just pets but are considered family. Just like any family member, their health is of paramount importance. One such health concern that many dog owners face is cataracts in their dogs' eyes.

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Excited Puppy Peeing: Causes, Solutions, and Tips for Dog Owners

Welcoming a furry bundle of joy into your home is an experience that fills your heart with warmth and anticipation. From their wagging tails to their playful antics, puppies bring unmatched energy to your life. Amidst all the laughter and cuddles, you might encounter a puzzling behavior – excited puppy peeing. This unexpected act can leave you scratching your head and wondering about the reasons behind it. In this comprehensive guide, we'll embark on a journey to uncover the depths of excited puppy peeing, exploring its origins, potential remedies, and actionable advice to help you and your pup conquer this phase together.

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4 Things You Can Do With Your Dog on Labor Day

When Labor Day arrives this September, don’t only focus on how you’ll spend the day relaxing or having fun. Make sure you take some time for your favorite four-legged friend as well. Read below to learn about four things you can do with your dog on Labor Day.

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How Often Should Senior Dogs Visit the Vet?

How Often Should Senior Dogs Visit the Vet?

As our furry friends age, they require more attention and care to remain healthy and happy. This leaves many pet owners wondering how often senior dogs should visit the vet. Read along to learn the importance of regular vet visits for senior dogs and guidelines for those necessary appointments.

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Pawsome Tips to Keep Your Furry Friend Fit and Fabulous

We have all heard the phrase that a healthy dog is a happy dog. But how do you ensure that your dog is in the best physical shape possible? As an AI assistant, I have gathered some top tips on how to keep your pup healthy and fit. From spending quality time with your furry companion to improving their diet and exercise routine, there are several things you can do to keep your pup healthy and fit.  BarkleyAndPaws invites you to read on to learn more about how you can give them the best possible life.

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