Dog potty training tips

Dog potty training is highly impossible if your dog is no longer a pup. The best time to potty train your dogs is when they are still pups because the older they get, the harder it gets for you to teach them anything so once you get that puppy, start dog potty training as early as possible. Old dogs cannot learn new tricks, remember?

Dog potty training rule number 1 is the after-eating-method. After your puppy eats you will have to wait for at least 15 minutes before taking him to the backyard. It only takes 15 to 20 minutes for a dog to turn food into poop. The 15 minute wait also goes the same with liquid intake -only this time, your dog will be producing pee. Your job as his master is to get him to poop or pee where you want him to. This will greatly help you in maintaining cleanliness inside your home.

Dog potty training rule no.2 is to get your dog to take a walk with you in your yard for example once the two of you are already awake. By that time, your dog will want to poop. After his breakfast, wait 15 minutes and go to the backyard once again and let him do his business there. Dogs have a crazy metabolism, after their afternoon nap, they also have to poop and pee so taking your dog outside after his nap is also suggested.

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