The stages of kitten development

The remarkable growth of kittens in their first weeks of life is demonstrated by the stages of kitten development. Kittens of all cat breeds progress through the stages of kitten development.

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How to mimize your cat's urinary infection

Cats and urinary infections go together far more often than the people paying the vet bill would like to think. Vets will often look at a symptom such as urinating outside the litter box, and conclude that the cat is experiencing a behavioral problem, possibly due to stress, and overlook the fact that there may be a medical problem at work.

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Caring for a cat during summer

During hot summer months it is important to take extra care of your cat. Be careful to protect your cat from dehydration. Since your cat is unable to communicate with you, you will have to keep a sharp eye on your pet. Watch for any changes in behavior that may be related to heat. If you aren't home enough to keep an eye on your cat, make arrangements for cool living conditions so that your cat doesn't dehydrate and overheat.

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Advice for your cat's urinary infection

Cats get urinary infections more often than you might think. As their causes are not always clear, vets often mistake a common symptom of cats' urinary infections - like peeing outside the litter box - as something behavioral, due perhaps to stress, rather than the medical condition that is actually underlying it.

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Exactly how many eyelids do cats have?

The mysterious gaze of a cat often leaves us spellbound, but the true wonder lies within the intricate anatomy of their eyelids. At first glance, it may seem that cats possess eyelids similar to humans; however, a deeper examination reveals a fascinating and complex ocular structure that enables these graceful creatures to thrive in various environments. Cats have three types of eyelids: the upper eyelid, the lower eyelid, and the enigmatic third eyelid known as the nictitating membrane. This coverage aims to shed light on each eyelid's unique function, offering a window into the evolutionary marvels that bolster a cat's visionary prowess and contribute to its overall well-being.

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Examples of plants poisonous to cats

Cat owners should be aware of plants poisonous to cats. Though many people decorate with plants without thinking about any consequences, the cat owner needs to be responsible for keeping plants that are poisonous to cats off the property.

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