Teacup Chihuahua fundamentals

ChihuahuaTeacup Chihuahuas are an incredibly small size dog however their physical fitness does not depend on their size at all. In fact, they are quite steady and healthier compared to other small breeds. Teacup Chihuahuas have a very sweet and charming personality, so despite being a good watchdog, they can make great friendships with strangers once they have been properly introduced. However, when the dog sees a stranger in your yard it will incessantly bark very loudly.

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All about the Bulldog standard

In recent decades, Bulldogs are receiving much popularity as great show dogs. Due to their sweet-temperament and friendly attitude, they are truly adorable to many. Bulldogs are also referred to as English or British Bulldogs, and as their name implies, they are the symbol of elegance and tenderness.

In earlier times, Bulldogs were mostly known as guard dogs. However, compared to the aggressive instinct of their ancestors, current breeds are much more mild-mannered and temperate. But under certain circumstances their fighting instinct becomes highly apparent.

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Pomeranian puppies

The Pomeranian dog breed is a member of both the toy and Spitz groups. This dog breed is considered toy because adult Pomeranians grow to a size of only three to seven pounds and eight to eleven inches tall. (A Pomeranian pup weighs mere ounces!)

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AKC standards for Pomeranians

The American Kennel Club establishes standards of various dog breeds, including the Pomeranian. Before the American Kennel Club recognizes a breed, the breed has to have certain characteristics, referred to as standards of the breed, that remain stable generation after generation. Breed standards serve several functions.

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The secret of choosing the right Rottweiler puppy

When looking for Rottweiler puppies, visit a Rottweiler breeder, not a pet store. If you pick out your puppy from a breeder, the Rottweiler puppies' parents will probably be on site, and you can see the sire and dam for yourself. Adult dogs should have a confident temperament and should be well socialized.

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The history of the Yorkshire Terrier

If you took a trip back in time to 1870, you probably would have a hard time recognizing a Yorkshire Terrier. In about one hundred thirty years, the breed has gone through tremendous changes in their looks and in their functions. But the Yorkshire Terrier has adapted to the great changes that the Industrial Revolution brought to the economy and to family life. Yorkies back then weighed about thirty pounds and came in more colors than just blue and tan.

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