How to Keep Your Dog Cool During the Summer

Summer heat could be pretty stressful for dogs. They can’t sweat the ways humans do, which makes high temperatures a real danger. When the body temperature becomes too high, there’s even a chance of heat stroke. That’s why dog owners need to plan ahead and find ways to make this time of the year easier for their pets.

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How To Keep Your Dog Happy While You’re At Work

No matter how many times you repeat the ritual, the ending results will be the same – crying, squealing, scratching the door and begging you to come back home. Until dogs grasp the concept of capitalism, it’ll remain impossible to explain to your puppy that you’re not abandoning it every time you leave for work. And while it breaks your heart seeing your furry companion so devastated, you need to grit your teeth and come with some innovative and fresh ideas that’ll help you keep your best friend happy while you’re away. These few tips just might give you a proper insight on where to start.

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Choosing the right lumber for a dog house

Owning pets involves a lot of different responsibilities, but not all of them are troublesome. If you enjoy working with your hands, the need to provide your dogs with shelter can be a positive pleasure. Building your own doghouse is a great do-it-yourself project that doesn't require a lot of complex tools. You need to make smart choices when you're picking out your materials, though.

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A swipe of the tongue - Why does my dog lick?

It’s a behavior that drives some of us dog owners, crazy – the compulsive licking habit that many dogs seem to practice. Although our dogs are part of our family, they practice a different type of hygiene care than we do, preferring a swipe of the tongue to groom themselves over a sponge and shampoo.

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Why do some dogs eat grass?

Our dogs sometimes do the most perplexing things, and since they don’t have the power to speak to us with words, it often can be hard to figure out the reason for some of their more mysterious behaviors. One question that has plagued most dog owners is ‘Why does my dog eat grass?”

Truthfully, there isn’t one definite answer! Although veterinarians will usually advise that eating a bit of grass from time to time can be normal for a healthy dog to do, there may be other times when the behavior can be a sign that something’s not quite right with your furry friend.

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Build a Doghouse You Can Be Proud Of

Man’s best friend has always been considered part of the family as well as the household. With this in mind, many dog owners make sure to provide their loyal pets with their own special home. In fact,there are a lot more dog lovers these days who take pride in creating their very own masterpiece of a doghouse.

Being able to make your dog its own home is a very special task that proves just how much you care. To guarantee that you will not have any trouble once you start building a doghouse, it is best to make a list of essentials. As soon as you have noted all your doghouse concerns starting your heartfelt project should turn up easy for you.

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